Whatsup lovelies?
It’s 12.14am apparently and I’m still awake. It’s been like 6 months since I actually put up a new post and I’m so sorry. There’s no excuse for that. Most times i’d start writing and just end up deleting every single word. But seriously though, I really did not have anything to post because my mind has been blank lately.
What inspired this post today?
I was reading another blog and I figured out I’ve neglected mine for so long.
Today, I’d be focusing on love. When I was like 10,I traveled for a church program and in the children’s room, we were asked what’s the meaning of love? At that point I was cracking my head and someone had a reply “love is an unconditional feeling you have for someone or something”. This meaning stayed with me throughout that trip and I went home feeling good and after that day I wanted that someone to be my friend. It turned out that we actually became friends.
Love is an endless topic. I mean everyday I learn about how much love I’m suppose to show to others and how love is the keystone of life. Growing up in my religion, love is like my bedrock and I love people alot but sometimes I wonder “how much love I could really emanate?”
Note that the love I’m talking about here is unconditional love, the kind of love with no strings attached. How many of us really love that way? Most people I know just give love because they want others to love them back. I was guilty of this and I’m still struggling with it. I had one friend when I was in my first year and i’d tell you lovelies that I was really glad when we became friends. In my 2nd year, we drifted apart and I was sad and up till today I tell people that she’s not my friend. Lol, that’s childish I know and I’ve just realised that there’s so much love in me and if this person does not show me kindness or love, I don’t really care because we are friends and I’m not meant to expect anything in return.
You guys should learn to do one thing for love each day. Learn how to give love and also learn how to receive love when others show it to you. Do not just be at the receiving end or even the giving end. Be balanced. When you have so much love in your heart you tend to see life differently.
Love should be unconditional ❤.
A quick question: have you ever loved someone this way? Have you loved anyone except from GOD unconditionally without expecting anything in return and without really minding if the person actually loves you back? That’s the real kind of love, true love, the one that we as souls and sparks of GOD should emanate.
I love every single one of you that actually reads my weird posts😊❤.

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